Friday, October 24, 2008

Taale Laafi Rosellini, Peace Corps Volunteer, Burkina Faso, 1967-75

At this critical time, with our military engaged in two wars, with economic and climate crises adversely affecting people of all nations and the biosphere, we need change. We must focus our energies on making war and poverty obsolete, abolishing nuclear weapons, creating green jobs and sustainable green economies, protecting the environment, promoting diversity and embracing all humanity, all our brothers and sisters here and around the planet. As Peace Corps veterans we know first hand, from our experience working in countries around the world, that peace works! As citizens of Mother Earth we must act responsibly and with the "urgency of now"!

I believe one man, Barack Obama, speaks to these issues and offers the calm and inspiring leadership needed to transform our nation and the world. I therefore urge all American citizens to vote for Senator Barack Obama for the Presidency of the United States. If he wins this election, I urge all Peace Corps veterans to join with me in supporting President Obama on a path that promotes justice, harmony and world peace.

All Peace Corps Veterans For Obama: Please add your name, country of service, years of service, and post your comments. Just click on "comments" below. Once you've posted your comments, please send an email to so we can keep in touch.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Launching Peace Corps Veterans For Obama

Taale Laafi Rosellini, a Peace Corps veteran, created this blog to mobilize all Peace Corps veterans to support Senator Barack Obama in his campaign for the presidency of the United States. 

Peace Corps veterans are American citizens who have served in the Peace Corps as Volunteers and/or Staff in countries around the world.

All Peace Corps Veterans For Obama: Please add your name, country of service, years of service and post your comments. Just click on "comments" below. Once you've posted your comments, please send an email to so we can keep in touch.

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